von Constantin | Apr 8, 2019 | Blog
Glaubst du Gitarre Lernen ist einfach? Weißt du, was du tun musst, um besser zu werden? Meinst du, du hast das Zeug dazu, selbst ein großartiger Gitarrist zu werden, der anderen mit seinem Gitarrenspiel begeistert? Denkst du, es ist möglich, dass Menschen dich dafür...
von Constantin | Mrz 9, 2019 | Blog
A lot of people are confused about how to sit at the piano while playing, and what is the correct technique for playing. As a pianist and piano teacher, I have studied the topic for many years, and have come up with some simple advice on the subject that I would like...
von Constantin | Mrz 4, 2019 | Blog
Wie bringt man seine Kinder dazu, ihre Leidenschaft für Musik zu entdecken? Du kennst das mit Sicherheit: Du bringst deinen elfjährigen Sohn oder die Tochter zu ihrem wöchentlichen Gitarrenunterricht und als du sie abholst sprechen sie von nichts anderem als davon,...
von Constantin | Jan 29, 2019 | Blog
Have you ever encountered the following problem? – You practice a solo/lead part which you always wanted to play or need to play with your band, but although all the notes are on the right spot and played at the right time, you have the feeling, that there is...
von Constantin | Jan 29, 2019 | Blog
…or the inevitable truth about the learning process! I bet you have made the following experience so often in your life that you even stopped counting: Let’s say you wanted to try something and failed completely to do so at the first time. You tried to learn an...
von Constantin | Jan 29, 2019 | Blog
Most guitar students ask themselves what’s necessary to improve their practicing routine, their progress and their overall development as a musician. Asking such kind of questions is a pretty good point to start from and hopefully will lead to great results if answers...
von Constantin | Jan 28, 2019 | Blog
Are guitar scales important or is that stuff just for the theory buffs who want to do everything by the book? The short answer to this question would be: “Yes they’re important. But to what extent and how many scales you should learn depends on your musical...
von Constantin | Jan 5, 2019 | Blog
Die Strategie, mit der du deine Übungseffizienz drastisch steigern wirst Hast du folgende Erfahrung schonmal machen müssen: Du übst eine gewisse Leadgitarrentechnik (z.B. Sweep Picking Arpeggios, Tapping, Legato, Sequenzen o.Ä.) und steckst relativ viel Zeit rein, um...
von Constantin | Dez 31, 2018 | Blog
…how to maximise your efficiency by using your smartphone Most people believe in the wrong assumption that in order to learn a musical instrument properly, you have to sit down in a quiet room and practice there for hours every day. Only if you do so, you...
von Constantin | Dez 31, 2018 | Blog
…this exercise will massively boost your rhythmic creativity! Intermediate to early advanced guitar players commonly face the problem that their lead guitar improvisation sounds like they are doing the same things over and over again. After a couple of minutes...
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